No More Going Back to the Vomit

9.11.13 – Jesus Christ spoke to me today and said “NO MORE will you be Satan’s play-thing. NO MORE will you continue to go back to the same sin like a dog goes back to its own vomit. NO MORE will you stay at the same level. NO MORE will you run around in circles to the SAME thing.

I have set you free and you SHALL be FREE INDEED. I have ALREADY won the battle. YOU declare my word in your life and O V E R C O M E by my blood and the word of Their testimony. Soon your journey on this earth will end and you will be with me forever. So, for now, Let me lead and YOU follow me. Quit trying to take control of everything.

I have ALREADY overcome the world. I know the BEST way to live and that is IN ME. I am the way, the TRUTH and the LIFE. I am ALL good. I will NEVER leave you and NEVER forsake you. Stop hurting my feelings by going back to the SAME thing. Because when you get hurt AGAIN..I hurt AGAIN. I feel your pain. Did you forget that I am touched with the feeling of your infirmities. When you are over your head in bills, I ALSO hurt.

When people treat you wrong, I ALSO feel your pain. I feel the infirmities of ALL those that abide in me and IN my body. Let ME lead and you follow. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS. That’s the truth – Jesus Christ

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