No Greater Love

No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends. – 圣. 约翰· 15:13


耶稣在十字架上 (描写)


约瑟夫, 玛丽和小耶稣 (描写)


耶稣和他的门徒 (描写)


Well, 这是一个无辜男子被谋杀的真实故事 “跌倒了” 全世界犯下的罪行. He personally carried our sins in His body on the []叉 [愿意为此献上自己, 就像在祭坛上一样], 这样我们就可以死于罪恶 [免于罪的刑罚和能力] 为公义而活; 因为他的伤你 [谁相信] have been [b]ed愈. – 1 彼得 2:24

1 马上是早晨, 大祭司, 与长辈和文士以及整个议会, 举行咨询; 当他们束缚耶稣时, 他们带走了他 [[]猛烈地] 然后把他交给彼拉多.

2 彼拉多问他, 你是犹太人的国王吗? 他回答, 就像你说的.

3 祭司长不断指责他许多事.

4 彼拉多又问他, Have [b]你无话可说? 看看他们对您提出了多少指控!

5 但是耶稣根本没有进一步回答, so that Pilate wondered marveled.

6 现在在盛宴上,他 [习惯了] 为他们释放他们要求的任何一名囚犯.

7 在监狱中因起义犯下谋杀罪的暴徒中,有一个名叫巴拉巴斯的人.

8 众人涌上来,开始请彼拉多照常为他们做.

9 他回答了他们, 您是否希望我为您释放犹太人的国王?

10 因为他知道那是 [[C]因为他们被提示] 羡慕大祭司把他救了.

11 但是首席祭司鼓动人群,让他为他们释放巴拉巴.

12 彼拉多又对他们说, 那我要怎么对待你所说的犹太人之王?

13 然后他们又喊回来, 钉死他!

14 But Pilate said to them, Why? What has He done that is evil? But they shouted with all their might all the more, 钉死他 [[d]at once]!

15 So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, set Barabbas free for them; and after having Jesus whipped, he handed [Him] over to be crucified.

16 Then the soldiers led Him away to the courtyard inside the palace, that is, the Praetorium, and they called the entire detachment of soldiers together.

17 And they dressed Him in [一] purple [robe], 和, weaving together a crown of thorns, they placed it on Him.

18 And they began to salute Him, 万福 (问候, 身体健康, 对你长寿), 犹太人的王!

19 他们用一支做成的杖击打了他的头。 [竹状] 芦苇在他身上吐口水,不停地跪下向他致敬.

20 当他们有 [完成的] 使他运动, 他们拿了紫色 [robe] 从他身上脱下来,把自己的衣服穿在他身上. 他们带领他出去 [城市的] 钉死他.

21 他们强迫路人, 西兰的西蒙, 亚历山大和鲁弗斯的父亲, 谁是从田里来的 (国家), 背着他的十字架.

22 然后他们把他领到了高尔哥达(Golgotha) [用拉丁文: 丝毫], 意思是头骨的地方.

23 和他们 [尝试做] 给他酒和没药混合, 但他不会接受.

24 他们把他钉在十字架上; and they divided His garments distributed them among themselves, 给他们扔很多东西来决定谁应该拿什么.

25 那是第三个小时 (大约早上九点) 当他们钉死他.

26 上面写着对他的指控的题词, 犹太人之王.

27 他们与他一起钉死了两个强盗, 一对一 [His] 右手,左手一只.

28 [Ë]And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, He was counted among the transgressors.

29 And those who passed by kept reviling Him reproaching Him abusively in harsh insolent language, wagging their heads and saying, Aha! You Who would destroy the temple and build it in three days,

30 Now rescue [f]Yourself [[g]from death], coming down from the cross!

31 So also the chief priests, with the scribes, made sport of Him to one another, 话, He rescued others [[h]from death]; Himself He is unable to rescue.

32 Let the Christ (弥赛亚), 以色列国王, 现在从十字架上下来, 我们可能会看到 [它] and trust in rely on Him adhere to Him! Those who were crucified with Him also reviled reproached Him [辱骂, 严厉地, 傲慢地].

33 当第六个小时 (大约中午) 来了, 直到第九个小时,整个土地上都一片漆黑 (大约三点钟).

34 第九个小时,耶稣大声哭泣, 埃洛伊, 埃洛伊, 萨巴他尼喇嘛?-意思是, 天哪, 天哪, 你为什么抛弃我 [[一世]抛弃我,让我无助和被抛弃]?

35 还有一些人在旁边, [和] 听到, 说, 见! 他在叫以利亚!

36 有一个人跑了, 和, 用醋填充海绵 (一 [Ĵ]酸酒和水的混合物), 放在一个由 [竹状] 芦苇送给他喝, 话, 等一下! 让我们看看是否以利亚 [做] 来把他放下来.

37 耶稣大声喊叫, 呼出他的生命.

38 还有窗帘 [圣洁之圣] 的寺庙从上到下被一分为二.

39 当面对他的百夫长看到他以这种方式消亡时, 他说, [ķ]真的, 这个人是神的儿子!

40 现在也有一些女人在那里, 从远处看, 其中抹大拉的马利亚, 和玛丽(James)的母亲,小詹姆斯(James)和何塞, 和莎乐美,

41 Who, 什么时候 [耶稣] 在加利利, 习惯陪伴和服侍他; 和 [曾经有] 还有很多其他的 [妇女] 谁跟他来耶路撒冷.

42 晚上已经到了, 因为那是准备的日子, that is, [那天] 安息日之前,

43 约瑟夫, Arimathea的他, noble honorable in rank a respected member of the council (桑希德林), 谁在等待神的国度, 大胆的后果, took courage ventured to go to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.

44 但是彼拉多想知道他是否这么快就死了, 和, 叫百夫长, 他问他是否 [耶稣] 已经死了.

45 当他从百夫长中学到东西时 [他确实死了], 他把尸体交给了约瑟夫.

46 约瑟买了一个 [美好的] 亚麻布 [[]包裹尸体], 和, 把他从十字架上摔下来, he [m]rolled Him up in the [美好的] linen cloth and placed Him in a tomb which had been hewn out of a rock. Then he rolled a [very large] stone against the door of the tomb.

47 And Mary Magdalene and Mary [the mother] of Joses were [[n]attentively] observing where He was laid.



