My Experience with the New Age religion

Robin Harfouche was part of the New Age religion and worked as a professional dancer in Hollywood. She had “Spirit Guides” who lead her to do ungodly things in exchange for fame and more. She did not know during that time that those “Spirit Guides” were actually demons leading her on a path to destruction.
When Robin started pulling back from these “Spirit Guides”, they set her up to kill her. One day she listened to one of her demonic “spirit guides” and they tried to kill her by causing a utility door to come off the hinges and crash her in the back of the head.
She later woke up in a hospital hooked to drugs. She was in and out of consciousness. She would tell her arms and legs to move and they would not move. The doctor told her that she had sustained damage to the mobility in her brain and that she would need to go through rehab. She was confined to a wheelchair. The doctors told her that she would be like that for the rest of her life.
During this ordeal she pushed a lot of people out of her life. She didn’t want people to take care of her. She thought the best thing to do was to take an overdose and never wake up; sin embargo, the Lord Jesus Christ had another plan for her and led someone to invite Robin to church where she found her deliverance.
Once Robin got to that church, she started shaking from within. She eventually made her way to her seat. The preacher preached about how Jesus Christ came and how He went to the cross and was crucified for the sins of every individual. He preached that there is a Heaven and a Hell and how Jesus Christ paid the price for her. She then knew that all the stuff she was doing as part of her association with the New Age religion and following demonic spirit guides was of the devil and not of God. She knew that she had been used and manipulated. Everything she thought was true in the New Age religion was a lie.
The preacher had an altar call and asked if anyone wanted to receive Jesus Christ as their personal savior. They mentioned that He is the only way to God and that there is NO OTHER WAY and to come up. The minister reached out to her and said “God is healing you.” ALL the pain in her body was gone but she was actually healed of her back problems. She walked out of the church whole. She felt the power of God. She knew it was something special about this God that she was now choosing to worship.
The deception was removed. Robin received revelation about how major films are about spirit guides, talking to the dead, the Sixth sense, ESP,, etc.. and that these tactics are part of a huge deception where the end of that deception leads to the path of destruction.
Ultimately, Robin found out that Jesus Christ is and will always be the only path to Heaven. He is the only way, the only truth and the only life.
Beloved, why don’t you receive Jesus Christ as Lord of your life today? He loves you more than anyone else ever will. He gave His life on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for your sins. Greater love hath no man than this than a man lay down his life for his friends. Why don’t you receive Him now as your Lord and Savior? You won’t regret it.
The following is a video of Robin’s testimony.

1 Comentario

  • Jeanita dice:

    Me encanta cómo Dios pueden abrir los ojos de los ciegos espiritualmente y establecido a los cautivos libres. Solo pido que aquellos a quienes él ha liberado sigue siendo gratis!

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