I did NOT believe in the Speaking of Tongues until I Heard a Voice say “Just Release. Just Submit.” And then…

Revelations 12: 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;  and they loved not their lives unto the death.

I got saved when I was in Thailand for six months where I met my husband. We started to share our faith, and one day when we were praying together I noticed that he was speaking in a different language. I was like, “What was that? It’s kind of scary.” Even after we got married, I was skeptical.

A couple of years ago I attended a church camp. The speaker invited everyone to the altar to pray over them. Somehow I found myself in the center of the stage, and everyone started to pray for me. I wasn’t ready for it, but I felt that maybe I should pray. I heard people speaking in tongues, and even up to that point I didn’t believe in it.

It was then that God started speaking to me.  I heard someone whispering in my ears, Just let it go. And I thought, How? How do I let it go? God told me, Just release…Just submit. And then I fell to the ground, receiving the Holy Spirit. I was there for an hour and a half, but I felt like it had only been a few minutes.

God had in His plan that He was going to give me His Spirit baptism on that day and that I would speak in tongues so that I would never doubt again.


This testimony was gathered from the following:

Pentecostal Evangel:Gospel Publishing House, 2013. Print

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