Healed! I Thought I Wouldn’t Sing Again

在的六月 2015, 我把头撞在门上. 我没有失去知觉,最初没有因受伤而感到疼痛. 随着时间的流逝, 我开始感到口齿不清. 我曾几次去过急诊室,假设我患有中风或动脉瘤. 一切都很正常. 我最终去了我的初级保健医生那里,她诊断出我患有颅脑外伤. 它逐渐影响了我清晰,简洁和唱歌的能力. I experienced severe pain, major intracranial pressure and weakness when talking and singing. 我出现了一种称为言语失语症的情况,这种情况下我的言语很费力,我的话语经常以犹豫的方式表达. I had severe pain throughout my head that felt as if an ice pick was hitting different portions of my head. The pressure in my head felt as if my head was going to explode. All of my other cognitive abilities, the ability to make decisions and physical/emotional abilities were fine.


The inability to speak clearly was devastating because I had to limit my speaking to a few sentences a day because the pressure and labor that occurred during speaking was almost unbearable. If I spoke too much, I felt weak and had to rest my head or take a nap just to relieve the pressure and because my body had gotten so weak. When I would talk or even attempt to sing, the pressure in my head increased the longer I spoke or tried to sing. My head felt as if it were a bicycle pump about to explode as the pressure increased.

I enjoyed singing praises to God. I loved to use my singing voice to praise God. I enjoyed feeling the presence of God while I entered into worship with Him through songs of thanksgiving, praise and adoration. I knew that God dwelled in the midst of the praises of His people. Worship to God through song breaks chains in a spiritual sense. 赞美上帝,敬拜上帝,这帮助我产生了敬虔的思想,摆脱了邪恶和邪恶的思想. It would change my atmosphere. In order to avoid arguing or getting upset, I sung praises to God and my whole perspective and mood would change for the better. When I was discouraged, 我唱了赞美的歌,这鼓舞了我,我会立即开始感觉好些. I sung when I woke up, when I went to sleep, while I was at home, when I went to work, when I left work, when I went to church, when I left church and more. I enjoyed singing praises to God with and to my children, my husband, my family, loved ones and many more. I enjoyed encouraging others through song.

My inability to sing was the worst feeling I had ever felt in this world! When I lost the ability to express praise and worship to my God through song, my faith in God was shaken. I questioned God and asked, “God, why would you take the singing voice of a person who sings praises to you and worships you daily? God, please help me to understand.” I cried daily and I felt almost hopeless.

Telling My Loved Ones

I tried as long as I possibly could to appear as if everything was fine to those around me. During one particular instance, and around the beginning stages of this horrible sickness, my sister asked me to sing for her graduation. I immediately responded with a resounding, “是的! I would love to!” I love my sisters and would do almost anything for each of them. I was so proud of her academic achievements. When she contacted me, I was also suffering with bronchitis for which I had already had for about 2 weeks up until this point. The cough was horrible. I knew that it would be nearly impossible to sing with bronchitis so I prayed to God and asked Him to heal my body so I could sing for my sister’s graduation. God healed my body that same day! The cough was completely gone within a matter of hours! God had healed me of the bronchitis; 然而, the pressure in my head was still there.

During the graduation I sung even through the massive pressure that permeated my entire body. 我那天有唱歌的录音. 我主持这首歌, “谢谢, 主。”毕业后, 我们在一家成员的家中相遇. 我试图尽量限制说话. This was nearly impossible because much of my family was there and I wanted to speak to everyone. 这是非常困难的,因为我的演讲非常费力.

After a few days, the illness became worse. At that point, the pressure was worse and my ability to sing was nearly gone. People would still ask me to sing at different functions. 我会克服痛苦, 但是一旦我离开就陷入痛苦. I had a desire to sing; 然而, my body did not own up to it.

I finally gained the confidence and humility to express my situation to my friends, family and loved ones so they would be informed of my debilitating health. It hurt me to see them sad because of my failing health; 然而, I had to tell them. 一旦我与家人和亲人联系, 他们非常支持. 有些人会来家里协助做家务, 看我的孩子等等. 所有人都在为我的康复祈祷. 我也很少在工作上讲话,主要是通过发送电子邮件进行交流.

My Road to Healing

I prayed a little bit above a whisper every day and throughout the day even through the tears and debilitation. It was a struggle to talk; 然而, I was persistent. I was determined to pray even if it hurt because I knew that prayer or communication with God was needful and changed situations around.

除了通过我的初级保健医生以及急诊室医生和医疗保健专业人员进行医学评估和咨询外, 我也进行了咨询,并被转介给其他多位医生, neurologists, radiologists, therapists and more. Furthermore, 我进行了多次CT扫描, 1 失败失败, 由于感觉幽闭恐惧症和 1 成功的宽口核磁共振成像. 所有测试都恢复正常! 他们还能够提出导致我生病的多种原因; 然而, they could not heal me. 我遭受了重创,感到更加困惑和恐惧,还有大量未解决的问题和高额的医疗费用. My faith in this present world’s healthcare systems to heal me had diminished greatly. 我知道我必须增加我对上帝的信心和信心,并完全信任他,因为没有其他人可以治愈我.

I knew that any healing would need to come from God. God was the source of my healing. God had healed me multiple times before and I knew that He could heal me this time as well.

I prayed to God, meditated on His word and took action to receive my healing based off of God’s word, including, but not limited to, 我的大姐姐纳塔莉(Natalie)和我的朋友,牧师的妻子薇薇安(Lady Vivian)用手祈祷接受祈祷. 他们是我仰望的两位神特别受膏的女人. 我的大姐姐娜塔莉(Natalie)把手放在我身上,并在公园女洗手间内的教堂野餐中为我祈祷. 在她祈祷之前, 我的头没有痛苦; 但, 当她涂膏我的头并开始为我祈祷时, 我整个脑子里都流下了剧烈的疼痛. 因为痛苦在那里,我的信仰开始放弃; 但, 我很有耐心,并继续相信上帝为我的康复. 一旦我的大姐姐娜塔莉(Natalie)为我祈祷并从我的头上释放她的手, 射击的痛苦完全消失了,我立刻毫不犹豫地开始说话,没有压力。! 我走出那个公园的妇女洗手间,神为上帝保佑刚刚发生的奇迹而高兴. 我的大姐姐娜塔莉, 我的父亲和其他许多野餐的人也赞美上帝,因为我的康复. 几天后,我请牧师的妻子薇薇安夫人为我祈祷,恢复我的歌声. 她放下手为我祈祷,主使我恢复了再次唱歌的能力! 哈利路亚! 我完全相信上帝.


上帝治愈了我的身体,恢复了我的说话能力,甚至比以前更加清晰. 我现在是一名讲师和培训师, 10,000 全球学生. 他使我恢复了以更大的口才唱歌的能力,这给他带来了令人敬畏的荣耀. God gave me back more than what I asked for. 哈利路亚! 自从我的歌声恢复了, 我在科苏梅尔的一座大教堂里录制了我的第一首FULL歌曲, Mexico, Monday August 3, 2015. 那首歌是《 Amazing Grace》. 我在我的网站上录制了我唱歌的录音 awnkellumsings.womenunspotted.com. It had to be recorded in order that God would get the glory for His healing power.

自从我的歌声恢复了, 我录了两张专辑 (“通话”和“无时无刻不在”) 和 1 6月发行一张名为“ We Will Sing”的专辑 2019. 歌曲“ We Will Sing”是上帝忠实的胜利和胜利的歌, 怜悯和爱奇迹般地治愈了我,再次为他唱歌. 我相信这首歌会激发世界各地的人们永不停止相信奇迹,因为奇迹的确发生了. 这也是献给上帝荣耀的受膏赞美之歌,展示了如何通过谦卑地屈服于上帝的旨意而歌颂上帝的赞美来实现拯救.

4 评论

  • Jeanita 说:

    This was an attack. BUT GOD didn’t let it destroy you, your confidence, or the gift He gave you. 赞美神!!

  • 匿名 说:

    Hello there dawn! I came across your testimony about the lord healing your voice.. it was so encouraging to read.
    I loved to sing when I was younger. My mother taught me and growing up in school I was in many choirs. After graduating high school though and I stopped singing. It wasn’t until the lord saved me and filled me with the Holy Ghost I then started to sing again. But I got sick and frustrated. I have a brain disease called IIh that puts great pressure in my head and neck. It has prevented me to sing. After awhile I gave up. I stopped singing and overtime my voice worsened.
    I miss singing for the lord and I’ve prayed that he would restore my voice back.. Singing is what really made me feel close to him. It’s something he gave to me that I cherished so much as a child.

    Your testimony encouraged me to keep on praying for that miracle.

    • 管理员 说:

      Continue to hold on to God’s promises and keep the faith. God’s presence far outweighs what He is more than able to accomplish. Be Encouraged. God bless you.
