Why Am I Fuchsia??!! Your Skin Color is on Purpose


Wfuchsia womane are the color we are un-apologetically because God allowed us to be the color we are un-apologetically – whether fuchsia, black, yellow, red, green orange, etc. All flesh is as grass and as the flower of the field.

When you see a pink rose, you see a rose. When you see a red rose, you see a rose.

They are ALL roses and beautiful in the sight  of God.

God is colorful and made us fearfully and wonderfully – ALL un-apologetically. We are ALL beautiful in His eyes. There are no mistakes here Ma’am or Sir.

We are un-apologetically God’s offspring.

You do not have to apologize to me because you are fuchsia. God made you the color you are on purpose. It was not a mistake.


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