Eternal Retirement


What do you think of when the term retirement is mentioned? Have you planned your retirement? What do you plan to do when you retire?

When most people think of retirement, they think of relaxing at home, taking it easy, sitting on a beach in the Caribbean, traveling the world, spending time with loved ones, raising their grand-kids, enjoying hobbies and so much more.


Some people prepare for retirement while others do not. Those that have worked a considerable time in their lives look forward to reaping the benefitret4 of their hard work throughout the years. They look forward to collecting their pension, 401K, Social Security and other benefits that may accompany retirement.



On the contrary, those that have not prepared for their retirement may try to piggyback on the retirement benefits of others…or they may have to be forced to work in their older age in order to take care of themselves. They may also be forced to live in sub-humane conditions throughout the remainder of their lifetime. ret6 ret7


If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail – Benjamin Franklin

How about Eternal Retirement?

Every human being is promised eternal retirement after this life on earth. Eternal retirement is composed of two destinations. Those two final destinations are Eternal Life with God (aka Heaven) or Eternal Death with satan (aka Hell or the Lake of Fire).


Those that commit sin in this life on earth will have Eternal Death with satan. Those that repent of their sins while still on this earth and follow the plan of the salvation that is ONLY through Jesus Christ will have Eternal Life with God because Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to eternal life.

All human beings are born sinners. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God; however, following the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ alone is the only way to secure a final destination of Eternal Life with God. If you go any other way, it will lead you to Eternal Death with satan (aka Hell or the Lake of Fire).


As individuals have planned for their retirement and secured resources and stored up treasures to live comfortably throughout their retirement years on this earth, people should also plan to secure their eternal retirement by storing up treasures for how they will live throughout eternity.

What type of treasures are you storing up that will determine how you will retire eternally? What investments have you made for your eternal retirement?

What are God’s plans for me?

God wants ALL human beings to spend eternal life with Him forever, however, not all human beings will spend eternal life with God. God has given us all free will to decide how we will live our lives on this earth. The decisions you make will determine your eternal fate.

Where will you eternally retire?


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