Emunah Faith says Amen to God’s Will

In Hebrew, the word EMUNAH represents the word FAITH. The word EMUNAH was derived from AMAN which means firmness, something or someone that is firm in their actions or to securely trust or rely upon (and from which we get the word “Amen”).
FAITH is usually perceived as a knowing while the Hebrew EMUNAH is a firm action. One who has faith should not only know that God exists and that He will do something but to be one who acts with firmness towards God’s will.

The following lyrics were gathered from a song entitled I Trust You/I’ll Say Yes. It was composed by Earnest Pugh, an American singer and songwriter, who has sung many anointed songs like Rain On Us and We Need Your Glory. I Trust You/I’ll Say Yes is a powerful song because it is an expression of the term EMUNAH, where one has confidence in God’s sovereign will, holds FIRMLY to that will and says AMEN to GOD’S WILL.

Here are lyrics from I Trust You/I’ll Say Yes:

I trust You Lord. I trust you Lord. Whatever your will is Lord. I trust you.
I trust You Lord. I trust you. Whatever your will. I’ll trust you.
Say Yes. Tell the Lord Yes. Oh Yes. Yes. To your will. I’ll say yes. Oh Yes. Yes. Oh Yes. I made up in my mind I’ll say yes. No matter what happens. I’ll say yes. I’ll say yes. I say yes.
In the midst of everything. Yes Lord.
My back is against the wall. Yes.
When I can’t see my way. I still say yes.
I’ll say yes Lord …yes to your will and to your way. I’ll say yes. I’ll trust you and I’ll obey. When your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart I’ll agree and my answer will be yes. I’m going to say yes…To your will , say yes. Yes to your will. Yes. Oh Yes. I’ll trust you. Whatever your will is, I’ll trust you.
I may not understand it. I don’t know which way to go but I’ll trust you Lord. Whatever! I’ll trust you. I’m not gonna lean unto my own understanding. In all my ways I will acknowledge you. You direct me as I trust you.


We as believers in Christ Jesus should do the following:
-Say AMEN to God’s will
-Say AMEN to God’s plan
-Say AMEN to God’s desires
-Say AMEN to God’s ambitions
-Say AMEN to God’s preferences
-Say AMEN to God’s commands
-Say AMEN to God’s choices

May the grace of God be with you,
Your Sister in Christ

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