Message to the Troubled Believer

Feeling troubled, hopeless, exhausted as a Christian?? Juan 14:1-3 (AMP) reads the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as follows: 1 Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me. 2 In … Seguir leyendo →

Despertarse…¿Usted no sabe qué hora es

“Despertarse…¿Usted no sabe qué hora es!?” Esto es algo que yo suelo decir a mis seres queridos cuando es el momento para que vayan a la iglesia, escuela, trabajo, citas, etc y no han correctamente dispuestas a estar en esos lugares sobre el tiempo. Existe un escenario similar para la venida del Señor Jesucristo. Jesucristo … Seguir leyendo →

Armadura de Dios: Espada del Espíritu

The Word of God is the only offensive weapon in the armor of God. Paul uses rhema instead of logos for “word” in Ephesians 6:17 because he wants to emphasize the spoken word of God. There is only one Word of God, but the Greek word rhema brings in the idea of proclamation. For instance, Paul says in Romans 10:17, … Seguir leyendo →

Armadura de Dios: Yelmo de la Salvación

Should your shield of faith be a little leaky and your daily victory elusive, be confident that the helmet of salvation guarantees your eternal victory. In the metaphor of armor, the helmet also secures coverage for the most critical part of your anatomy: your mind, where spiritual battles are either won or lost. As you struggle with the world, the … Seguir leyendo →

Armadura de Dios: Escudo de la Fe

El objeto de nuestra fe es Dios y Su Palabra. Cuanto más se sabe acerca de Dios y Su Palabra, el más fe que tendrá. Cuanto menos sepas, el más pequeño de su escudo será, y más fácil será para uno de los dardos de fuego de Satanás para alcanzar su objetivo. If you want your shield of faith to grow … Seguir leyendo →

Armadura de Dios: Zapatos de la Paz

When you receive Christ, you are united with the Prince of Peace. You have positional peace with God right now (Romanos 5:1), but the peace of Christ must also rule in your heart, and that is possible only when you let the Word of Christ richly dwell in you (Colossians 3:15,16). The shoes of peace become protection against the divisive … Seguir leyendo →

Armadura de Dios: Coraza de justicia

Cuando te pones a Cristo en la salvación, está justificado delante de nuestro Dios santo (Romanos 5:1). No es tu justicia, pero la justicia de Cristo (I Corintios 1:30; Filipenses 3:8,9). Vestido con la coraza de la justicia es su defensa contra el acusador de los hermanos. So when Satan aims an arrow at you by saying “You’re not good enough to be a … Seguir leyendo →

Armadura de Dios: El Cinturón de la Verdad

Jesus said, “I am…the truth” (Juan 14:6). And because Christ is in you, the truth is in you. The belt of truth is our defense against Satan’s primary weapon, which is deception. “Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (Juan 8:44). The belt of truth (which … Seguir leyendo →