Too Skeptical to Have any more Faith

Cynical, religious people. Chances are you’re going to Hell, because you don’t have faith in what can save you” – g. Craige Lewis Do you struggle with cynicism? Do you look for the bad in people or expect negative outcomes before they even occur? In this message, Pastor Lewis gives solutions to being free from a cynical, skeptical spirit. … Lire la suite →

Nouveau livre|The Power Within est disponible en mars 21, 2021!

MISE À JOUR! Le pouvoir au sein de: Mon expérience avec le Saint-Esprit par Dawn Kellum est maintenant disponible en pré-commande sur Amazon, Pomme, Kobo, Barnes et Noble, Google Playbooks et plus dans eBook et Broché. INTRODUCTION DU LIVRE Je m'appelle Dawn Kellum, auteur de The Power Within: Mon expérience avec le Saint-Esprit. Merci d'être venu avec moi là-dessus … Lire la suite →

Prière à la Position pour la victoire

L’extrait suivant ont été acquises par le livre suivant, rédigé par l’ancien sataniste John Ramirez, qui est maintenant un puissant ministre chrétien dans le Royaume de Jésus Christ, exposant les tactiques du Royaume des ténèbres et les croyants chrétiens comment peut être vainqueurs.   Armés et dangereux: Le Plan de bataille ultime pour cibler et vaincre l’ennemi par ancien sataniste John … Lire la suite →

Love Lifted Me

The love that my savior Jesus Christ has for me and all humanity is the greatest love of all. No such love has ever existed since the world began where the one true and living God sends His son, Jesus Christ, into this world to become the sacrifice for the sins of every human being in order to bring them … Lire la suite →

My Experience with the New Age religion

Robin Harfouche was part of the New Age religion and worked as a professional dancer in Hollywood. She had “Spirit Guides” who lead her to do ungodly things in exchange for fame and more. She did not know during that time that those “Spirit Guides” were actually demons leading her on a path to destruction. Quand Robin commencé tirant vers l’arrière … Lire la suite →


  We must have faith in Jesus Christ NO MATTER what storms we face in life. Trust that He is in control of all things, including, but not limited to, the elements. He has already overcome the world and knows what it takes for you to be an overcomer also. There is a passage in the bible about the amazing … Lire la suite →

Emunah Faith says Amen to God’s Will

In Hebrew, the word EMUNAH represents the word FAITH. The word EMUNAH was derived from AMAN which means firmness, something or someone that is firm in their actions or to securely trust or rely upon (and from which we get the word “Amen”). FAITH is usually perceived as a knowing while the Hebrew EMUNAH is a firm action. One who … Lire la suite →